Dave's Vietnam Pics     Co. B, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry, 4th Div. 4/70 - 6/70
If you know who any of these men are, please e-mail me at dnmuxo@hotmail.com.

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003-048.jpg We called this a Loach, but it was really an LOH (OH-6A). Once my squad was under fire from a small group of VC, and the CO came out in a Loach to see the enemy first hand, instead of sending in artillery like we wanted. We figured he was trying for a medal or something. After that I never cared much for them until recently when I met a Loach pilot at a reunion of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association. You guys were Number One!
003-049.jpg A Cobra and a Chinook.
003-050.jpg CH-47 Chinook. We did several air assaults in these. But mostly we went in Hueys. A Chinook crashed while I was there, killing about 20.
003-051.jpg Another Loach.
003-052.jpg My ticket home, a C-130.
003-053.jpg Waiting to fly to Cam Ran Bay.
003-054.jpg I was actually going home a day early! But Charlie had a different idea. After we waited all day for the plane it had to divert due to shelling of the airport. We spent the night and flew home the next day.
004-000.jpg Coming off of the plane from Vietnam. I had made it back to the world.
004-001.jpg Back in the states at Ft. Lewis, Washington. They gave me a new uniform and medals.
004-002.jpg Name unknown. I had been in NCO school with this guy and the next one. We went over on the same day, and came back the same day. The group going over was a lot bigger than the group that came back.
004-003.jpg Name unknown. He was awarded the Bronze Star.
004-004.jpg Waiting to be paid and released, June 13, 1970.

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